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Joining forces for medium-sized mechanical engineering: oculavis & ISAP

Picture of Written by<br> Alex Schwabbauer
Written by
Alex Schwabbauer
In September 2021, oculavis GmbH and ISAP AG celebrate their second partnership anniversary. At first glance, both companies are present in two fundamentally different fields: ISAP with core competencies in design and engineering processes as well as product lifecycle management, while oculavis focusses on AR-based processes in after-sales service. However, both pursue a common goal: Continuously finding the best answers to the challenges of medium-sized enterprises in mechanical and plant engineering. And in times of increasingly integrated production facilities, the overlaps are greater than one might initially suspect.

Origin and aims of the partnership

ISAP AG is a solution and consulting provider specialized on the digital transformation of medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industry. Founded in 1992, ISAP supports end customers with hardware, software, and full implementation support in the areas of CAD, CAM, PDM, PLM, IT, AR, VR, 3D scanning, 3D printing, and IoT. The core competencies in application consulting include the determination of digital maturity levels, development of digitization strategies, training and support in all abovementioned areas. ISAP relies on a holistic consulting approach with neutral solutions in order to provide individual and customerspecific solutions.
Due to the steadily growing demand for augmented reality and remote expert support, ISAP set out to scout a matching solution that would meet the requirements of mediumsized mechanical and plant engineering companies. ISAP finally decided in favor of oculavis GmbH due to various decisive criteria. Experience in mechanical engineering and the manufacturing industry: As a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology and the RWTH Aachen University, as well as an active member of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), oculavis has a distinct understanding of the requirements of mechanical and plant engineering. Innovative strength: A solution born out of research and a fast-growing, agile company with short development cycles. Holistic approach to digital machine service: Full consideration of after-sales service processes, from planning and processing to documentation and invoicing. In addition, interfaces enable the connection of relevant third-party IoT, ERP, CRM systems. Solution robustness: oculavis SHARE is successfully applied in real-life conditions, such as operation under impaired internet connection or end-customer support in China.
oculavis Plattform AR Video Support Benutzeroberfläche auf Smartphone, Tablet und digitaler Brille.
oculavis SHARE works seamlessly on PCs, smartphones, tablets (Android and iOS) and smart glasses

Added values of a partnership at eye level

Started as a sales partnership it is increasingly evolving into a value-added driven partnership focusing on data continuity from product development to after-sales service. The movement away from the silo mentality of individual departments towards integrated production sites is a challenge for many SMEs. At the same time, it is also an opportunity for digitization and process optimization, which ISAP and oculavis are tackling together. The issues that are driving our customers and on which we are already working together today include:
  • How can a digital product model be used to draw conclusions and improvement approaches in product design and development?
  • How can present data from production and development, such as CAD drawings and machine documentation, be used effectively in customer service? Furthermore, how could smart system interfaces impact this development?
  • How are new technologies such as augmented reality, smart glasses, and 3D visualizations implemented successfully and used to establish profitable digital business models in after-sales service?
  • Which organizational structures must be established and which new processes designed in order to successfully shape this digital transformation?
The answers to these questions are complex and vary from use case to use case. At first glance, the key to success is often not apparent. However, the experience gained from a large number of successful joint customer projects between ISAP and oculavis can be profitably transferred to new challenges. Additionally, progressive innovation formats such as the ARxelerator Programm provide concrete approaches for the effective implementation of digitization projects and empowering digital business models in SMEs.

Prospects for future cooperation

Through the cooperation of oculavis GmbH and ISAP AG, two worlds merge into a unified cooperative approach. By centralizing customer requirements, it becomes possible to implement consistent digitization initiatives and projects for sustainable change management. With starting points in product development or data management processes, up to processing, and refinement of data in the operative service business, customer requirements can be holistically implemented. A deepening partnership enables customers of oculavis GmbH as well as ISAP AG to implement comprehensive solution concepts and to transfer data generated at the beginning into economically attractive business models.

Contact with ISAP

Robert-Bosch-Str. 1
44629 Herne
Tel.: +49 2323 99 22 0





Die All About Remote Local Editions sind ein Angebot der

oculavis GmbH
Vaalser Str. 259
52074 Aachen

Mit dem Kauf von Tickets für die Konferenz erklären Sie sich mit den folgenden Bedingungen einverstanden:

  • Die Eintrittskarten werden unter keinen Umständen zurückerstattet, außer bei Absage der Veranstaltung. In diesem Fall werden die Karteninhaber über die Absage informiert. Alle Karteninhaber müssen dann innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach der Stornierung eine Rückerstattung per E-Mail beantragen: support@allaboutremote.com.

  • Die Eintrittskarten sind nicht übertragbar. Beim Kauf von mehr als einem Ticket müssen die verbleibenden Tickets mit einem Registrierungscode personalisiert werden, der nach dem Kauf mitgeteilt wird.

  • Es besteht keine Verpflichtung zur Erstattung oder zum Umtausch von Tickets, wenn die oculavis GmbH das Programm aufgrund von Ereignissen oder Umständen, die außerhalb ihres Einflussbereichs liegen, ändert oder variiert. Alle Tickets werden unter dem Vorbehalt von Programmänderungen verkauft.

  • Der Karteninhaber erklärt sich als Zuschauer mit der Anfertigung von Film- und Tonaufnahmen einverstanden.

  • Die oculavis GmbH behält sich das Recht vor, Tickets ohne Angabe von Gründen zu stornieren und den Ticketpreis zu erstatten.

  • Die Online-Konferenz wird über unsere eigene Streaming-Plattform übertragen.

  • Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der oculavis GmbH sind Bestandteil dieser Anmeldebedingungen.

Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support per E-Mail oder telefonisch unter +49 241 8943880.
NOVEMBER 23, 2023
Die Online-Konferenz All About Remote ist ein Angebot der

oculavis GmbH
Vaalser Str. 259
52074 Aachen

Mit dem Kauf von Tickets für die Konferenz erklären Sie sich mit den folgenden Bedingungen einverstanden:

  • Die Eintrittskarten werden unter keinen Umständen zurückerstattet, außer bei Absage der Veranstaltung. In diesem Fall werden die Karteninhaber über die Absage informiert. Alle Karteninhaber müssen dann innerhalb von 7 Tagen nach der Stornierung eine Rückerstattung per E-Mail beantragen: support@allaboutremote.com.

  • Die Eintrittskarten sind nicht übertragbar. Beim Kauf von mehr als einem Ticket müssen die verbleibenden Tickets mit einem Registrierungscode personalisiert werden, der nach dem Kauf mitgeteilt wird.

  • Es besteht keine Verpflichtung zur Erstattung oder zum Umtausch von Tickets, wenn die oculavis GmbH das Programm aufgrund von Ereignissen oder Umständen, die außerhalb ihres Einflussbereichs liegen, ändert oder variiert. Alle Tickets werden unter dem Vorbehalt von Programmänderungen verkauft.

  • Der Karteninhaber erklärt sich als Zuschauer mit der Anfertigung von Film- und Tonaufnahmen einverstanden.

  • Die oculavis GmbH behält sich das Recht vor, Tickets ohne Angabe von Gründen zu stornieren und den Ticketpreis zu erstatten.

  • Die Online-Konferenz wird über unsere eigene Streaming-Plattform übertragen.

  • Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der oculavis GmbH sind Bestandteil dieser Anmeldebedingungen.

Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support per E-Mail oder telefonisch unter +49 241 8943880.
NOVEMBER 23, 2023
The online conference All About Remote is an offer of

oculavis GmbH
Vaalser Str. 259
52074 Aachen

By purchasing tickets for the conference, you agree to the following terms:

  • Tickets are not refundable under any circumstances other than cancellation of the event. In this instance, ticket holders will be informed of any cancellation. All ticket holders must then request refunds via email: support@allaboutremote.com within 7 days of the cancellation notice

  • Tickets are not transferable. When purchasing more than one ticket, the remaining tickets must be personalized by using a registration code that will be provided after the purchase.

  • There is no obligation to refund or exchange tickets if oculavis GmbH alters or varies the programme due to events or circumstances beyond its control. All Tickets are sold subject to programme changes.

  • Ticket holders consent to the filming and sound recording as members of the audience.

  • oculavis GmbH reserves the right to cancel any tickets without providing a reason and by refunding the ticket price.

  • The online conference will be broadcast via our own streaming platform.

  • The general terms and conditions of oculavis GmbH are part of these terms of registration.

For further questions please contact our support via email or phone under +49 241 8943880.