Seeing more with Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality has come a very long way. First developments date back to the 1960s. Only today this technology has arrived at a technologically mature level and we know all the tweaks of it. Enriched user experience of oculavis SHARE is the result.

Step-by-Step Instructions

It is not always necessary to consult an expert on a technical problem. In the first step, machine operators can also be provided with instructions with the help of augmented reality in order to be able to solve a malfunction or the like independently.

Spare Part Ordering

With our Augmented Reality based "X-Ray" viewer, the inner workings of machines and systems can be virtually displayed on top of the real object. In addition to displaying step-by-step instructions, spare parts can also be identified more quickly and easily and, if necessary, an order can be placed directly.

Object Identification

Identification of machines and components can be done either via a QR code, which also serves as a reference point for marker-based tracking procedures. Alternatively, individual machines can also be identified by object recognition without the need for additional markers.


Through the integration of ARCore and ARKit as well as other tracking methods, virtual objects in oculavis SHARE always remain in the right position in the real world. This makes knowledge literally available in the right places.

Assisted, Mixed and Augmented Reality

Assisted Reality

Assisted Reality is characterized by the fact that only a very small amount of virtual content covers the real world. This is typically achieved with monocular smart glasses whose display is located near the left or right eye. Only by actively focusing the display can the displayed content be fully perceived.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality overlays virtual content with the real world, which works just as well with tablets and smartphones as with binocular smart glasses. Through the integration of tracking algorithms, virtual content can be fixed at selected positions in reality.

Mixed Reality

In Mixed Reality, real and virtual worlds mix to form a single perceived reality for the user. Mixed Reality can be realized only with smart glasses such as Microsoft Hololens or Magic Leap.
Learn how your use case can benefit from XR
Get in touch with us and let's talk about your specific requirements.
We love to share our longterm experiences. Book a Smart Glasses Experience Day with us and learn everything about smart glasses and XR. From use cases, applications limits down to work psychology and legal aspects.
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