Smart solutions to empower workers on the shop floor and unlock efficient and flexible production processes.


Globally connected supply chains place new requirements on the flexibility of in-house production. Securing skilled professionals for ever more intricate production processes poses a challenge at many production facilities.
The expertise of employees in key areas of value creation is one of the most valuable assets that manufacturing companies have.
With oculavis, personnel engaged in production, assembly, and quality assurance have constant access to the knowledge and information essential for their work.
Zwei Ingenieure kontrollieren und steuern einen automatisierten Roboterarm in einer Smart Fabrik.
Zwei Ingenieure kontrollieren und steuern einen automatisierten Roboterarm in einer Smart Fabrik.

Maintenance and repair

Aiding a machine manufacturer’s maintenance team with remote expert assistance or providing a digital on-call service via AR visual support during night shifts – oculavis offers diverse applications in the maintenance and repair operations of manufacturing companies.
The machine portal embedded within oculavis serves as a powerful tool for asset management, facilitating tasks such as generating digital machine files, allocating manuals, and assigning machines and equipment to both internal and external experts.
Please feel free to discuss with us the specific areas in which you wish to apply our solutions.
Zwei Ingenieure in Uniformen und Helmen reparieren komplexe Produktionsanlage.

Speed up ramp-up processes

To speed up equipment relocation, new assembly line setup, or the construction of a new plant, ensuring employees have access to essential information and knowledge is crucial.
The oculavis connected worker solution equips employees with mobile documentation, detailed step-by-step guides, and remote expert support, streamlining the knowledge-intensive processes involved in ramping up operations.
Eine Arbeiterin in Uniform, mit Schutzbrille und Helm hält ein Tablet in der Hand und bedient Produktionsanlagen.

In-house special purpose machinery manufacturing

Large manufacturing companies usually have internal departments or divisions that design, manufacture and deliver special machines, devices or assembly systems for their own production plants – often on a global scale.
This creates internal customer-supplier relationships that may be managed more effectively with professional digital service solutions: from commissioning and training to troubleshooting during operation.
Ingenieur, der eine CNC-Maschine in einer Werkstatt bedient.

Qualification of employees with digital step-by-step guides

Digital work instructions are invaluable in onboarding new hires or adapting to evolving job requirements, acting as a robust training resource for all workers, regardless of their skill level. The inclusion of reporting features offers clear visibility into training completion and outcomes, maintaining full accountability of employee qualifications and achievements.
In einer Werkstatt voller komplexer Geräte gibt eine Frau einem Mann Anweisungen auf einem Laptop.

Continuous improvement process (CIP)

Forms for documenting innovative ideas of production employees on organization and technology improvements on the shop floor are often found in Word, PDF or paper form. With a continuous improvement process (CIP) template in oculavis, ideas can be captured easily and spontaneously using a smartphone or tablet and illustrated with pictures and videos.
The automatically assigned designated CIP manager can assess the improvement suggestion or provide clarification of the idea directly on the shop floor through the AR video support tool.
Ein erfahrener Mitarbeiter hilft einer jüngeren Mitarbeiterin bei der Bedienung komplexer Geräte, während sie ein Tablet benutzt.

Remote audits and line walks with visual assistance

Whether for internal audits as part of lean manufacturing initiatives or for process audits at automotive suppliers according to VDA 6.3 standards – visual assistance and the structured documentation in oculavis enable fully remote audits on the shop floor. Integrated digital remote audit processes eliminate the need for participants to be physically present on site, and therefore saves time and money.
Zwei Ingenieure aus der Schwerindustrie nutzen ein Tablet zur Diskussion beim Rundgang durch eine Anlage zur Herstellung von Rohren.

Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

In production, work, testing, or safety instructions are commonly found at workstations or machines, and often in paper format. With oculavis, these instructions can be displayed digitally and accessed through mobile devices. Furthermore, the execution of instructions by individual employees can be recorded and transparently tracked.
Ein erfahrener Handwerksmeister im Gespräch mit seinem Lehrling über ein technisches Bauteil.

Maintenance and repair

Aiding a machine manufacturer’s maintenance team with remote expert assistance or providing a digital on-call service via AR visual support during night shifts – oculavis offers diverse applications in the maintenance and repair operations of manufacturing companies.
The machine portal embedded within oculavis serves as a powerful tool for asset management, facilitating tasks such as generating digital machine files, allocating manuals, and assigning machines and equipment to both internal and external experts.
Please feel free to discuss with us the specific areas in which you wish to apply our solutions.
Zwei Ingenieure in Uniformen und Helmen reparieren komplexe Produktionsanlage.

Speed up ramp-up processes

To speed up equipment relocation, new assembly line setup, or the construction of a new plant, ensuring employees have access to essential information and knowledge is crucial.
The oculavis connected worker solution equips employees with mobile documentation, detailed step-by-step guides, and remote expert support, streamlining the knowledge-intensive processes involved in ramping up operations.
Eine Arbeiterin in Uniform, mit Schutzbrille und Helm hält ein Tablet in der Hand und bedient Produktionsanlagen.

In-house Special purpose machinery manufacturing

Large manufacturing companies usually have internal departments or divisions that design, manufacture and deliver special machines, devices or assembly systems for their own production plants – often on a global scale.
This creates internal customer-supplier relationships that may be managed more effectively with professional digital service solutions: from commissioning and training to troubleshooting during operation.
Ingenieur, der eine CNC-Maschine in einer Werkstatt bedient.

Qualification of employees with digital step-by-step guides

Digital work instructions are invaluable in onboarding new hires or adapting to evolving job requirements, acting as a robust training resource for all workers, regardless of their skill level. The inclusion of reporting features offers clear visibility into training completion and outcomes, maintaining full accountability of employee qualifications and achievements.
In einer Werkstatt voller komplexer Geräte gibt eine Frau einem Mann Anweisungen auf einem Laptop.

Continuous improvement process (CIP)

Forms for documenting innovative ideas of production employees on organization and technology improvements on the shop floor are often found in Word, PDF or paper form. With a continuous improvement process (CIP) template in oculavis, ideas can be captured easily and spontaneously using a smartphone or tablet and illustrated with pictures and videos.
The automatically assigned designated CIP manager can assess the improvement suggestion or provide clarification of the idea directly on the shop floor through the AR video support tool.
Ein erfahrener Mitarbeiter hilft einer jüngeren Mitarbeiterin bei der Bedienung komplexer Geräte, während sie ein Tablet benutzt.

Remote audits and line walks with visual assistance

Whether for internal audits as part of lean manufacturing initiatives or for process audits at automotive suppliers according to VDA 6.3 standards – visual assistance and the structured documentation in oculavis enable fully remote audits on the shop floor. Integrated digital remote audit processes eliminate the need for participants to be physically present on site, and therefore saves time and money.
Zwei Ingenieure aus der Schwerindustrie nutzen ein Tablet zur Diskussion beim Rundgang durch eine Anlage zur Herstellung von Rohren.

Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

In production, work, testing, or safety instructions are commonly found at workstations or machines, and often in paper format. With oculavis, these instructions can be displayed digitally and accessed through mobile devices. Furthermore, the execution of instructions by individual employees can be recorded and transparently tracked.
Ein erfahrener Handwerksmeister im Gespräch mit seinem Lehrling über ein technisches Bauteil.


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oculavis GmbH is a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology in Aachen. Therefore, manufacturing is part of our DNA. We’re delighted to offer our expertise on how digital solutions can enhance the efficiency of your production organization!


Scientific Support Services presentation
Workflows: Just in time knowledge for the next generation
ESW AAR presentation

Knowledge management in a manufacturing company using oculavis

Eine Frau in einem grünen Blazer in der Werkstatt.

Augmented Workflows for Self-Guidance. Technical knowledge for customers & employees

Scientific Support Services presentation
Workflows: Just in time knowledge for the next generation
ESW AAR presentation
Knowledge management in a manufacturing company using oculavis
Eine Frau in einem grünen Blazer in der Werkstatt.
Augmented Workflows for Self-Guidance. Technical knowledge for customers & employees




December 5, 2024
Have you heard about our business conference?
All About X brings together decision-makers, innovators and service enthusiasts to discuss innovative maintenance and service processes for the collaborative maintenance of assets.
Visit the official website and sign up now for free for the All About X 2024.
The conference language is German.