oculavis currently supports the following sub-processors with the appropriate technical and organizational security measures ensuring that the sub-processing of personal data is protected to the standards required by applicable data protection laws. Further information relating to sub-processor security measures can be found via the external links below.
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Germany
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
Walter-Gropius-Straße 5
80807 München
Hosting takes place exclusively in the European legal area. The server location is typically Amsterdam (configuration: Microsoft Azure / Europe Region West, Netherlands, Amsterdam). A separate oculavis SHARE server is used for each customer on a dedicated Azure Virtual Machine (VM) instance.
We use different push notifications, for example for incoming calls, chat messages or newly created cases. User IDs are used as identifiers, which cannot be linked to personal data by Microsoft Azure (username, etc.). Thus, personalized tracking of employee actions is not possible. For sending push notifications to smartphones, Google uses the Google Firebase service and Apple uses the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited
Attn: Data Protection Officer
One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park
Leopardstown, Dublin 18
Telephone: +353 (0) 1 295 3826
Europe Region West, Netherlands, Amsterdam
Amazon Web Services Germany
Amazon Web Services GmbH
Krausenstr. 38
10117 Berlin
Only forwarding of encrypted and integrity-protected video streams. The STUN/TURN servers are operated by oculavis GmbH on AWS cloud instances worldwide. There is no logging or storage of activities, in particular, no recording of user activities (e.g. which IP has made a video call with which other IP). Access to the STUN/TURN servers is generally only permitted by oculavis administrators for maintenance activities and all access is logged by name.
Deutsche Telekom AG in cooperation with T-Systems International GmbH
Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-EbertAllee 140
53113 Bonn
T-Systems International GmbH
Hahnstraße 43d
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Hosting takes place exclusively in the German legal area. The server location is typically Biere (redundant location is Magdeburg), Germany. A separate oculavis SHARE server is used for each customer on a dedicated OTC Virtual Machine (VM) instance.