Are you using the full potential of augmented reality powered processes in your organization?

We support you in the introduction of digital services and the design of associated processes. Our Customer Success Manager Stefan Meinert has answers to all your questions. Get to know him in the following video Q&A.
How do I digitize my frontline processes?
Which use cases can I cover with oculavis SHARE?
What are the challenges in implementation and rollout?
How can oculavis support you?
How can you benefit from our experiences?


We evaluate possible use cases for the deployment of digital services along your process chains. This will help you in identifying the most promising business cases in your organisation.


Taking your use cases into account, we familiarize you with all the functions and possibilities of our software solution. We offer each user the appropriate training to successfully utilize oculavis SHARE.

Change Management​

We support you with regular personal exchanges during the introduction of new modules. Your personal Customer Success Manager is always there to give you advice and support.

Getting Started

In pilot projects, we develop and validate processes for the technical and organizational implementation of digital services.

Process Design

We work together to design the processes and structures in your organization so that our solution can deliver its full impact.

Business Models

Digital services offer the opportunity to develop new business streams. We help you leverage this potential and work with you to develop new business models for your measurable success.

Standardized packages and individual projects for your success​

Explorer Package​

  • Qualitative evaluation of possible use cases along your process chains​
  • 2 x 8h Workshop for joint identification and systematic evaluation of use cases​

Training packages for different target groups

  • Training for end users of oculavis SHARE​
  • Training admins and key users of oculavis SHARE

Ramp Up Package​

  • Close support during the introduction of oculavis SHARE
  • Rollout Support and Change Management​
  • Weekly regular meetings for a duration of 3 months​

Proof-of-X Projects

  • Pilot implementations (e.g. a workflow or an augmented reality scenery​)
  • Development and validation of content creation processes

Process Design Projects​

  • Analysis of technical-organizational boundary conditions​
  • Detailed design and documentation of the process, e.g. in the form of SOPs, wikis or similar

Digital Business Creation Projects​

  • Individual projects after joint coordination​
  • Define and realize digital business models
Benefit from our longterm experience
We are happy to share our experience with you. Contact us for a personal dialog at eye level.
À propos d’oculavis SHARE › Fonctionnalités › Integration › Option marque blanche › Configuration cloud et sur site › Licences et tarifs › Réservez une demo en live Commencer un essai gratuit
oculavis SHARE pour l’industrie › Solution de service pour les fabricants de machines › Maintenance, réparation et entretien › Solutions partenaires › Des solutions de conseil pour votre réussite
L'innovation comme moteur › Réalité augmentée › Smart Glasses › Internet des objets industriel › Intelligence artificielle
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