Ein Techniker wird während einer AR Video Support Sitzung auf seinem Smartphone mit AR-Annotationen geführt.

Next Level Video Support: Remote Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) with the Multi User Call in oculavis SHARE 9.0

Picture of Written by <br>Martin Plutz
Written by
Martin Plutz
The main innovation of the latest version 9.0 of the remote process platform oculavis SHARE is that no longer only 4 users can participate in an augmented reality video call, but 20 users. This may sound arbitrary at first, but takes the possibilities to the next level! Behind the innovation is a complete redesign of the system architecture of the AR video call in oculavis SHARE, which is unmatched in its video quality and unlocks new use cases in mechanical engineering and in the manufacturing industry.

Remote Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) with multi camera setup

One of the first scenarios that is possible with a significantly higher number of participants in AR video calls is the remote acceptance testing of complex machinery and equipment. In such a use case, employees at the customer’s site usually watch from remote locations how technical functions of the ordered and purchased machine are demonstrated and validated. With the Multi User Call in oculavis SHARE 9.0, end customers can watch from different angles and examine individual components and processes of a machine. AR annotations allow a digital interaction with the scenery. An exemplary structure of the whole setup can look as follows.
Illustration of remote FAT at manufacturer's site with digital devises.
Use case setup for a remote factory acceptance test / remote FAT
It is possible to either use smartphones or tablets that are positioned at the desired positions around or in a machine. Or almost any other camera system can be integrated into a remote FAT scenario, such as so-called PTZ cameras (pan, tilt, zoom), which can typically be controlled as an IP camera or as a webcam. In addition to these fixed camera systems, control PCs can also be integrated into the remote acceptance process via screen sharing. Employees who accompany and moderate the remote FAT in the machine manufacturer’s shop floor are equipped either with a smartphone/tablet or optionally with smart glasses. In both cases the remote viewers can follow certain interaction options with the machine from a distance or simply to take on the operator’s perspective. The extensive documentation options (e.g. screenshots, video recordings, comments) and management functionalities in oculavis SHARE ensure consistent processes and enthusiastic participants of a remote FAT.

Design service processes end-to-end with one solution

Machine and plant manufacturers can offer digital remote acceptance testing as-a-service right at the beginning of the product lifecycle – even before the machine is handed over to the end customer. This of course has the direct benefit of saving travel time and travel costs on the side of the machine purchaser. It is also creating a professional, convenient and exciting service experience. The remote FAT scenario described above can also have the indirect effect that customers are more open to adopting the technologies already used during FAT in later product lifecycle services like commissioning, training, or classic troubleshooting during the warranty period and beyond. This described effect can therefore be an important factor for the acceptance of augmented reality systems and remote expert support in downstream service processes, which are illustrated in the following overview.
The new multi user call in oculavis SHARE 9 can also unfold its full potential in the service processes typically found after an acceptance testing and supports companies from the mechanical and plant engineering sector in offering remote services at a new level of quality.

About oculavis SHARE - more than just visual assistance

The software platform oculavis SHARE is the modular augmented reality solution for mechanical and plant engineering, which contains further software modules in addition to the new multi user call:
  • digital workflows with step-by-step instructions and integrated feedback options, e.g. for creating smart self services,
  • managing machinery & equipment and mapping regional service organization and service knowledge with installed base,
  • smart documentation and management functionalities to implement end-to-end use cases with a high level of process orientation on one powerful platform.

Curious about this?

Start with a free trial of oculavis SHARE or get a personal live demo with an application expert at oculavis. Further information about the current release 9.0 can also be found in the release notes and in our video channel oculavis tube.